As mentioned in the introduction to this section, the Incumbent and Churchwardens provide the core leadership for the local “vestry” or congregation, with the Churchwardens being responsible for the “temporal” affairs of the congregation – money, property and things like that.

However, it is worth repeating that in your role as a Churchwarden, you will always work very closely with the Incumbent and vice versa, as nothing we do is totally “temporal” and everything we do here on earth is at least in part “spiritual”. If you find areas of “shared responsibility” then you are reading this correctly. Keep in mind that this is intentional. Our system of governance which relies on teamwork and collaboration will be a strength and source of support to help you in fulfilling your duties as Churchwarden.

You should familiarize yourself with the Diocesan Constitution and Canons. With regard to the Canons, you should pay particular attention to those listed below, especially Canons 12 through 15 inclusive as these address the primary areas of responsibility for Churchwardens. The list is: ·       

Canon 6 (Acquisition, Disposition, and/or Alteration of Real Property and Other Property and Related Rights)
Canon 8 (Incumbent)
Canon 9 (Clerical Appointments, Exchanges, Retirements and Terminations)
Canon 12 (Parishes)
Canon 13 (Vestries)
Canon 14 (Churchwardens)
Canon 15 (Parish Advisory Council)Canon 20 (Sexual Misconduct and Code of Conduct)
Canon 22 (Cemeteries)
Canon 23 (Diocesan Administration of Parishes)
Canon 31 (Insurance)

The following link takes you to the Constitution and Canons:

Canons and Constitution of the Anglican Diocese of Ontario

Why are the canons so important? The Incorporated Synod of the Diocese of Ontario is a legal corporation created under its own Act(s) of the Ontario Legislature dating from the mid-1800’s. The corporate form under which our congregations operate was also created through an Act of the Ontario Legislature. This means that the rules we refer to (our Canons or Canon law) are not “private rules” or bylaws of a private corporation; they are provincial statute. We do not operate as “ordinary corporations” either at the diocesan or at the vestry level.

Some of you may have backgrounds in business or law, or have held responsible positions in other organizations. Much of what you have learned elsewhere will translate into our governance structure and rules. However, there will be twists along the way. So with that in mind, we urge you to become familiar with the Canons, policies, and guidelines, especially those dealing with the administration and operations of the church and parish.

Don’t forget that help is only a phone call or email away. In closing, we want to extend our appreciation to you for taking a leadership role in your parish and the Diocese. The church would not be the church without the commitment of volunteers to give of their time, talent, and treasure to facilitate our ability to live out God’s generosity in our communities.